Committee on the Observance of the Nation's Bicentennial. Records
- GC-02-R0129
- Fonds
- 1973-1976
The committee’s records reflect the work done to create a vehicle for crafting projects and resources for parishes to celebrate the role of religion in marking the country’s bicentennial of independence. Records were also generated by two subcommittees of the Bicentennial Committee: Budget and “Forward Look”, to define future directions for the Church, especially in relation to the Bicentennial theme, "liberty and justice for all.” The latter committee met in 1975 and was chaired by Hodding Carter III. The committee’s records show their full engagement in a planning agenda. Emphasis was given to a special issue Anglican Theological Review (55:1) and the plans for the General Convention program and exhibit. Other publications relating to the Bicentennial are present, including writings on the topic by Presiding Bishop John Allin.
Committee on Observance of the Nation's Bicentennial