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White, (Rt. Rev.) William. Papers
White, (Rt. Rev.) William. Papers
House of Bishops. Records
House of Bishops. Records
General Convention. Sermons
General Convention. Sermons
House of Bishops. Minutes
House of Bishops. Minutes
Episcopal Church Annuals. Accumulating Collection
Episcopal Church Annuals. Accumulating Collection
Capers, (Rev.) Samuel. Papers
Capers, (Rev.) Samuel. Papers
Overseas Department. China Mission Records
Overseas Department. China Mission Records
Emery, Mary Abbott and Julia Chester. Papers
Emery, Mary Abbott and Julia Chester. Papers
Overseas Department. China Mission Records
Overseas Department. China Mission Records
General Convention. Memorials and Petitions
General Convention. Memorials and Petitions
Talbot (Rt. Rev.), Joseph Cruikshank. Diaries
Talbot (Rt. Rev.), Joseph Cruikshank. Diaries
Trustees of the Board of St. Paul's Within-the-Walls (Rome, Italy). Records
Trustees of the Board of St. Paul's Within-the-Walls (Rome, Italy). Records
Girls Friendly Society. Records
Girls Friendly Society. Records
St. Augustine's College. Records
St. Augustine's College. Records
Allin, (Most Rev.) John Maury. Papers
Allin, (Most Rev.) John Maury. Papers
Results 1 to 15 of 211