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Committee on the Observance of the Nation's Bicentennial. Records

The committee’s records reflect the work done to create a vehicle for crafting projects and resources for parishes to celebrate the role of religion in marking the country’s bicentennial of independence. Records were also generated by two subcommittees of the Bicentennial Committee: Budget and “Forward Look”, to define future directions for the Church, especially in relation to the Bicentennial theme, "liberty and justice for all.” The latter committee met in 1975 and was chaired by Hodding Carter III. The committee’s records show their full engagement in a planning agenda. Emphasis was given to a special issue Anglican Theological Review (55:1) and the plans for the General Convention program and exhibit. Other publications relating to the Bicentennial are present, including writings on the topic by Presiding Bishop John Allin.

Committee on Observance of the Nation's Bicentennial

Bishop Payne Divinity School. Records

The DFMS archive on the American Church Institute (ACI) is largely focused on the years 1906-1967, although documentation on individual schools dates from 1867 (see AO-00-R0061-02 through AO-00-R0061-02-12). This set includes records of the oversight of Bishop Payne Divinity School, Petersburg, Virginia. Records in this series consist mainly of correspondence, especially from the ACI Treasurer’s office concerning the school’s building fund (1932-1948, 1951), and also correspondence of the Rev. George A. Wieland, Home Department Director and later ACI Director (1929-1930, 1942-1951). Board of Trustees meeting minutes and correspondence (1938-1944, 1947-1948), financial documents (1939-1965), and two school catalogs (1945, 1946) are also present.

Bishop Payne Divinity School

Gaudet Normal and Industrial School. Records

Records include Gaudet’s Board of Trustees minutes and reports (1940-1949, 1952) and financial records (1925-1953). ACI Director’s correspondence (1921, 1932, 1940-1945) is brief, primarily with Dr. Warren Kearny of the Gaudet Board of Trustees and the Church Periodical Club. The Home Department Director, Rev. George A. Wieland, has correspondence (1949) concerning building projects and improvements to Gaudet’s educational program. Historical summaries (1920-1934) provide background information. This series includes a survey report of the school by the George Peabody College for Teachers (1946).

Gaudet Normal and Industrial School

St. Agnes Hospital and Nursing School. Records

The records of St. Agnes Hospital and School consists of correspondence (1924, 1927), documents relating to building requirements (1944, 1946-1949), and audits and financial reports (1945-1952). Correspondence is also present from ACI’s Director (with the Bishop of North Carolina, 1942, 1944-1947) and its Executive Secretary (with St. Agnes’ administrator, 1953-1955, 1958). A pamphlet and articles (1923, 1929, 1933) provide historical information of the hospital and school. This series includes a survey report of the school by the George Peabody College for Teachers (1946). While St. Agnes was a separate entity, it resided on St. Augustine’s campus and thus references to St. Augustine’s College can be found in these records.

St. Agnes Hospital and Nursing School

St. Mark's School. Records

ACI records on St. Mark’s School include the school’s Board of Trustees meeting minutes (1931-1935) and its report to ACI in 1912. Correspondence of founding board member J. A. Van Hoose (1912) and principal Rev. C. W. Brooks (1924) are very brief. Financial records relate to the school’s mortgage (1933-1936). ACI officers’ correspondence covers 1930 to 1940. Historical summaries (1934, c.1940) and a report of the school (1935) provide information about the establishment of St. Mark’s and its programs. The school’s disassociation from ACI in 1941 is touched upon in a Committee on Negro Work report (n.d.) and an ACI memo (1941).

St. Mark's School

The Living Church. Publication

This collection is primarily composed of bound volumes and single issues of The Living Church magazine. The bound volumes, which begin with Volume 3 (May 6, 1880-April 30, 1881) and continue through Volume 245 (July-December, 2012), were bound for and explicitly donated to the Archives as preservation copies by The Living Church Foundation. Single issues begin with Volume 246, number 1 (January 6, 2013), and continue through the present day. The Archives also holds Volume 1 (November 2, 1878-October 30, 1879) and Volume 2 (November 6, 1879-May 6, 1880) on microfilm only.

Living Church Foundation, The

Lay Ministries Office. Records

Records of the Lay Ministry Office consist of the work product of staff officer Barry Menuez from 1973 to 1980. The records consist mainly of correspondence with some minutes, reports, conference materials and publications. These records document the changing status of women in the Episcopal Church and the Church's effort to involve part of the laity in the ministry of the Church. The topical files provide little supporting evidence of the range of activities of the office, but the serial newsletter called The 99% is a good resource.

Lay Ministries Office

Home Department. Records

This record group includes correspondence, reports, surveys, printed matter, photographs, grant requests, and subject files. The majority of the correspondence relates to awarded grants, placement of workers, requests for assistance, and reports from the aided dioceses.

Home Department

Scarlett (Rt. Rev.), William. Papers

Bishop Scarlett's papers reflect his keen sense of social activism and interest in current events. Almost half the papers in this record group consists of Scarlett's sermons and addresses. Personal writings, correspondence, committee and commission records, photographs, scrapbooks, and ephemera round out the collection.

Scarlett, William

Mahoney, Agnes. Papers

Agnes Mahony’s personal papers consist entirely of correspondence mostly between Mahony and a fellow missionary in Liberia, Nathan Matthews.

Mahoney, Agnes

Votaw, Maurice Eldred. Papers

The Papers of Maurice Votaw document his tenure at the School of Journalism at St. John’s University in Shanghai, China, which he also helped found. Correspondence, reports, published material, photographs, oral history transcripts, and memorabilia make up the collection. A significant portion of the correspondence details his efforts on behalf of the missionaries in China during WWII.

Votaw, Maurice Eldred

Griffin, Elizabeth Gordon. Papers

The Papers of Elizabeth Griffin contains two items: a bound manuscript volume titled “A Catalogue of the Lands, Buildings, Memorials and Institutions of the Missionary District of the Philippine Islands.”; and a small notebook of her expenditures and receipts for the communion wafers she made for various mission churches and missionaries.

Griffin, Elizabeth Gordon

Spong, (Rt. Rev.) John Shelby. Project Records

This archive documents the records created by John Shelby Spong as he conducted research for an unfinished biography of former Presiding Bishop John Elbridge Hines, whom Spong admired for his courageous civil rights activism. Included are audio interviews recorded with and about Hines between 1974 and 1975, fifty-three of which have been digitized by the Archives. Research materials related to Spong’s planning and execution of the project, as well as his gathered documentation on the various stages of Hines’ ministry, round out the collection.

Spong, John Shelby

Manning, (Rt. Rev.) William T. Papers

Sermons, addresses, clippings, correspondence and photographs are found in this selection of Bishop Manning’s papers. Newspaper and magazine clippings chronicle some of more controversial events in his service as Bishop of New York, such as the Judge Lindsey dispute of 1930. A small group of correspondence includes letters and postcards sent by Bishop Manning to a variety of recipients. Also included are seven 8" x 10" photographs of Manning dating from 1922-1944.

Manning, William T.

Stines, (Rev. Canon) Henri Alexandre. Papers

The Stines Papers include correspondence, sermons, printed material, legal documents, and photographs that document Fr. Stines' ministerial work building multiracial and black Episcopal parishes, his promotion of racial equality in the South through the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity (ESCRU), and issues of racism and sexism in the Episcopal Church. Other personal interests and experience in ministry are also found in the archive.

Stines, Henri Alexandre

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