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General Convention
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National Conference of Deaconesses. Records

The organizational records span from 1912,when the National Conference was still in development, to 1975 and include documents such as by-laws, annual reports, triennial reports, meeting minutes, Executive Committee meeting minutes, lists of deaconesses, and correspondence. Additionally, a small number of documents concern General Convention and the Lambeth Conference. Also present are program materials on conferences, retreats, and meetings held by the organization from 1916 to 1970 as well as miscellaneous publications and audio/visual materials, the bulk of which are printed materials and include prayer leaflets from the 1930s; newsletters, under numerous names, from 1927 through 1979; and scrapbooks from 1917 to 1935.

National Conference of Deaconesses

General Convention. Treasurer Records

General Convention financial records include files created and maintained by the Treasurer of General Convention, during the time period when the Treasurer of Executive Council/DFMS and the Treasurer of General Convention were occupied by different persons and separate cash accounts were kept. Records includes correspondence related to financial matters; expense reports and worksheets; reports; budget and budget working files; and committee meeting files.

Treasurer of General Convention

General Convention. Session Records

Session Records document the planning, coordination and activities that took place before, during and immediately following the General Convention triennial legislative meetings for the 61st General Convention (1964) through the 70th General Convention (1991).

General Convention

General Convention. Sermons

This collection comprises printed sermons delivered at General Convention, the consecration of bishops, and on special occasions to various dioceses, including funerals and diocesan conventions.

Registrar of General Convention

General Convention Office. Records

This small collection documents the work of the Rev. John F. Stevens in his role as Coordinator of the 1973 General Convention. Included are minutes, reports, correspondence, financial data and information regarding the planning and organizing of the 1973 General Convention.

Executive Office of the General Convention

General Convention. Memorials and Petitions

These records contain memorials and petitions that were submitted to the General Convention, via either the House of Bishops or the House of Deputies, between 1853 and 1949. Memorials and petitions urge the Church to commend or commemorate a person, event, or other matter, or to take a stance on an issue that could result in official legislative action.

General Convention

General Convention. Interim Body Records

These official bodies of General Convention are established and defined in Canon I.1.2(n), Canon I.5.1, Canon I.8.1, and Canon III.15.1, and meet throughout the triennium to facilitate the programmatic mission of the General Convention. Records in this series include minutes, correspondence, memos, reports, and administrative files.

General Convention Interim Bodies